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Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis


Motion Analysis Corp.

ExpertVision (EV) integrates the functions of realtime data acquisition,analysis, and reporting into one comprehensive system. EV replacesmanual and semi-automatic motion analysis methods for 2-D and 3-Dapplications.As an integrated system, professionals conducting motion and designanalysis are able to obtain results in minutes. The EV system usesstandard RS-170 television components to capture video images.Sequential video images are digitized using the EV Video Processor. TheVideo Processor converts and compresses moving images into digitaloutlines. Long image sequences can be processed in realtime using theworkstation. These image sequences (datafiles) can be plotted,inspected, or processed for motion variables. Datafiles can bemanipulated to produce results summarizing the captured motion.Easy-to-learn and extendable software allows operators to enter commandsto display, edit, and manipulate the data. Data from one test can bemerged with those of other tests to form statistically large datagroups.

Language: FORTRAN-77, C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Bit-map display, multibus board for video processor
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Motion Analysis Corp.
3617 Westwind Blvd
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 579-6500
        (800) 841-4555 (CA only)
Fax: (707) 526-0629